Friday, September 4, 2009

Filing Fees for Incorporating in Nevada

Curious about how much you will be paying for a business incorporation in Nevada? Here's an article that can give you a clue on how much is the filing fee for incorporating in Neveda entitled Incorporating a Business in Nevada written by Wayne Henrick.

In Nevada, the filing fees for incorporating in Nevada are much lower than those in other states, which can run into several hundred dollars depending on the particular state in question. If you choose to form an LLC in Nevada, you will receive the same protections as a corporate entity would, another impressive advantage to a Nevada limited liability company.

If your business is physically operated and located in Nevada, and if your employees are legal residents of the state of Nevada, you will enjoy other benefits. One big one is that there is no state income tax that your business will need to pay. Another benefit to Nevada business owners is that Nevada does not exchange information with the Internal Revenue Service. Again, this applies only to Nevada-based businesses with resident of Nevada employees.

It can make sense to incorporate in Nevada if you are a small business owner. To be sure if Nevada incorporation is a smart move for you and your company, you will want to contact an accountant or tax adviser, or a lawyer, but this can be a costly option. Many business owners turn to online services, who have knowledge of each state's requirements for incorporation, and can handle the paperwork for you so that your business is properly incorporated in any state you wish.

To read the full article, click Incorporating a Business in Nevada by Wayne Henrick

Wanna learn more? Read on Incorporate a Business: Affiliate Tips

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